Monday, March 3, 2008

The stove is doing the job.

Now, two weeks later (one day short) we are finding that the stove is doing the job. It is heating our entire house and doing it consistently. It is a bit cold around the edges when it gets down to 10 Degrees F at night, but if we are more diligent with dry seasoned wood then it can keep us comfortable. In the meantime oil around here is up to $3.29/gallon, not a price we are willing to pay since we have a choice.
We did get and hook up an electric hot water heater for our water needs, as we are not equipped currently to heat the hot water with the stove. Perhaps at some point we will be. But we will also need something for the summer, as we don't intend to run the stove all year round. We will probably stop burning our stove sometime in April.

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