Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Welcome to the new blog for VisionStone Stoves, a family owned and operated start up business in Jim Thorpe, PA. We sell wood, coal, gas, corn, and pellet stoves, but we are really excited about our new multi-fuel Sedore stoves from Minnesota. Since we are the only dealers in PA, we would like to reach across the whole state to people who would be interested in this incredible stove.
We hooked up our Sedore 3000 a few weeks ago and have been quite toasty since then. In fact right now the temperature on our second floor is at 74 degrees, which is a bit hot for this mountains gal. Before the stove we were heating with oil and with prices as they are we kept the temperature at 62, so this is quite a switch. We have been burning only wood so far, but this stove is capable of burning corn, pellets, all types and sizes of wood, sunflower seeds, and a few other things. It is quite versatile.
I hope to post some pictures soon, but in the meantime all the info you might need is over at the website.

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